Change Log


Released 2025-02-23

  • Implement filterInstanceOf() to filter a stream by type more easily. Addresses #86, thanks @nipafx.
  • Implement groupOrdered(), and groupOrderedBy() to appropriately group elements in the input stream to lists in the output stream. Addresses #88, thanks @nipafx.
  • Implement ensureOrdred() and ensureOrderedBy() to ensure the given stream meets an ordering criteria, or fail exceptionally otherwise
  • Implement filterOrdered() and filterOrderedBy() to remove non-ordered elements from the input stream
  • Implement window() to provide more options to windowing functions, namely - ability to specify size, how many to skip each time, and whether to include partial windows
  • Implement repeat(n) and repeatInfinitely() to repeatedly emit the input stream to the output stream
  • Implement rotate(n) rotate the stream either left or right (consumes entire stream)
  • Renamed everyNth(n) to takeEveryNth(n) and added dropEveryNth(n) for completeness
  • Renamed filterWithIndex() to filterIndexed() to match other indexing Gatherers
  • Renamed cross() to crossWith() for consistency
  • Renamed interleave() to interleaveWith() for consistency
  • Renamed grouping() to group() and groupingBy() to groupBy() for consistency
  • Renamed last() to takeLast() to match dropLast()


Released 2025-02-01

  • Add support for orElse() and orElseEmpty() on size-based gatherers to provide a non-exceptional output stream
  • Implement everyNth() to get every nth element from the stream
  • Implement uniquelyOccurring() to emit stream elements that occur a single time
  • Implement takeUntil() to take from a stream until a predicate is met, including the first element that matches the predicate
  • Implement foldIndexed() to perform a fold along with the index of each element
  • Implement scanIndexed() to perform a scan along with the index of each element
  • Implement intersperse() to put the given element between each element of the stream
  • Implement cross(iterable), cross(iterator), and cross(stream) to combine elements in the input stream with the given source of elements


Released 2025-01-06

  • Use greedy integrators where possible (Addresses #57)
  • Add JSpecify annotations for static analysis
  • Implement orderByFrequencyAscending() and orderByFrequencyDescending()
  • Implement movingProduct() and movingProductBy()
  • Implement movingSum() and movingSumBy()
  • Remove maxBy(fn) and minBy(fn), can be done with JDK methods trivially
  • Rename exactSize() to sizeExactly()
  • Implement sizeLessThan(), sizeLessThanOrEqualTo(), sizeGreaterThan(), and sizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo()
  • API Style - Functions, when used as arguments, should come last for consistency and to play nice with Kotlin (Addresses #64)


Released 2024-11-02

  • Implement dropLast(n)
  • Implement grouping() and groupingBy(fn)
  • Add support for zipWith(iterable) and zipWith(iterator)
    • With support for:
    • argumentWhenSourceLonger(fn)
    • sourceWhenArgumentLonger(fn)
    • nullArgumentWhenSourceLonger()
    • nullSourceWhenArgumentLonger
  • Add support for interleave(iterable) and interleave(iterator)
    • With support for:
    • appendLonger()
    • appendArgumentIfLonger()
    • appendSourceIfLonger()


Released 2024-10-13

  • Implement reverse() - Cause a stream to be emitted in reverse (stores entire stream in memory)
  • Implement maxBy(fn) and minBy(fn) - Finds the single maximum or minimum value in a stream as defined by the function given (stores entire stream in memory)
  • Implement exactSize(n) - Ensures a stream is precisely n elements long or throws an IllegalStateException (stores entire stream in memory)


Released 2024-10-08

  • Implement shuffle() and shuffle(RandomGenerator)
  • Implement filterWithIndex()
  • Implement runningProduct() and runningProductBy()
  • Implement runningSum() and runningSumBy()
  • Remove concat() implementation (the JDK has this)
  • Remove withIndexStartingAt() from filterWithIndex(), not sure if this is a real use case.


Released 2024-10-19

  • Upgrade the minimum Java version from 22 to 23


Released 2024-08-22

  • Added throttle() over a time period
  • Added debounce() over a time period


Released 2024-08-13

  • Added Standard Deviation (population and sample)
  • Refactored all BigDecimal-based Gatherers
  • Added concat


Released 2024-07-29

  • Initial release