
Perform a fold over every element in the input stream along with its index

Implementation Notes

Performs an ordered reduction over the input stream, along with the index of the element being reduced/folded. Because this implementation produces a single result, it is probably not suitable to apply to infinite input streams. This implementation attempts to behave like the non-indexing Gatherers::fold()in the JDK. For a scanning version of this Gatherer, see scanIndexed().


foldIndexed(Supplier<OUTPUT> initialValue, IndexedAccumulatorFunction<OUTPUT, INPUT, OUTPUT> foldFunction)

  • initialValue - A non-null Supplier to provide the seed value for the fold (this implementation does not assume the first element is the seed)
  • foldFunction - IndexedAccumulatorFunction is a variation on a BiFunction which injects the long index of each element. This function does the actual fold/reduction work.


Perform an indexed fold

This example joins the index and the input strings to show how this works.

    .of("A", "B", "C", "D")
            () -> "", // initialValue
            (index, carry, next) -> carry + String.format("%s%d ", next, index)

// A0 B1 C2 D3