
Limit the number of elements in the stream to some number per period. When the limit is reached consumption is paused until a new period starts and the count resets.

Implementation Notes

Time is measured on a best-effort basis and may not be suitable for cases where a high precision clock is required. For a version of this that drops elements from the stream instead of pausing, see the debounce()Gatherer.


throttle(int amount, Duration duration)

  • amount - A positive number of elements to allow over the duration
  • duration - A non-null Duration over which to limit element production


Limit to 2 per 100 milliseconds

This shows a throttler that allows 2 elements every 100ms. First we record the start time so we can crudely measure elapsed time in milliseconds. Next, we start a range of Integer objects and debounce them. We see the original int and the elapsed time in the Pair we map to. Finally, we print the results.

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    .range(1, 7)
    .gather(Gatherers4j.throttle(2, Duration.ofMillis(100)))
    .map(it -> new Pair<>(it, System.currentTimeMillis()-start))

// Prints
Pair[first=1, second=0]
Pair[first=2, second=10]
Pair[first=3, second=107]
Pair[first=4, second=107]
Pair[first=5, second=211]
Pair[first=6, second=211]