
Ensure that the elements in the input stream are in the order specified, as measured by the given Comparator, and fail exceptionally if they are not.

Implementation Notes

This is suitable for streams whose elements do not implement Comparable. For a version that uses the natural order of elements that implement Comparable, see ensureOrdered(). This gatherer is all-or-nothing, meaning it will not emit any intermediate results to its downstream in the event that it detects a failure case.


ensureOrderedBy(Order order, Comparator<INPUT> coparator)

  • order - A non-null Order which elements must be in. Values are Equal, Ascending, Descending, AscendingOrEqual, and DescendingOrEqual
  • comparator - A non-null Comparator to compare stream elements


Ensure that all elements are descending as mapped by the given function - success path

As measured by the length of the input, not its lexicographical order.

    .of("AAA", "BB", "C")
    .gather(Gatherers4j.ensureOrderedBy(Order.Descending, String::length))

// ["AAA", "BB", "C"]

Ensure that all elements are descending as mapped by the given function - failure path

As measured by the length of the input, not its lexicographical order.

    .of("AAA", "AA", "AA")
    .gather(Gatherers4j.ensureOrderedBy(Order.Descending, String::length))

// java.lang.IllegalStateException: ensureDecreasingBy detected non-decreasing element